the maskihkiy team provides consultation to professionals, organizations, schools, and various community stakeholders. contact us directly to explore the range of consultation options available to you and/or your team. consultation is tailored directly to your needs.
services offered include consultation regarding:
culturally relevant best practices with Indigenous people and communities (e.g., in education, health care, counselling and psychotherapy, etc.), ranging from general and organization-wide to specific individual or group case consultation;
complex, collective, and intergenerational trauma and associated concerns (e.g., addiction, suicide, medical issues;
decolonizing and Indigenizing processes at the individual, team, departmental, and/or organizational level (e.g., decolonizing/Indigenizing administrative procedures, Indigenous relational ethics and practices among and between stakeholders, decolonizing/Indigenizing components of the work environment, decolonizing/Indigenizing programming and direct service provision, decolonizing/Indigenizing leadership, etc.);
traditional and contemporary Indigenous and land-based program development that incorporates Indigenous best practices toward wellness and healing;
Indigenous-based program evaluation and report writing that specifically explores quality of Indigenous practices and programming;
organizational transformation based in Indigenous community-based knowledges;
navigating colonial systems and structures in order to best serve community desires;
undertaking reconciliation initiatives as individuals, teams, and/or organizations;
a variety of other topics and processes related to decolonizing, Indigenizing, reconciliation, and cultural competence* (please see definitions below).
at maskihkiy, we recognize the incredible value of Indigenous language speakers, knowledge holders and kihtehayak (Elders) specific to your community and/or the communities you serve. therefore, if appropriate to the nature of consultation services requested, we are happy to work in collaboration with your own local knowledge holders to tailor consultation even more specifically.
*the maskihkiy team challenges the Euro Western concept of cultural competence, instead approaching this work through a lens of cultural humility, appropriateness, and relevance. see definition below for more information.

what is decolonizing & Indigenizing?
decolonizing involves breaking down colonial ideologies & how they manifest, looking to Indigenous counter-stories of survivance & relationality instead. Indigenizing centres Indigenous ways of knowing, using local knowledges, traditions, and languages to address the interests of particular communities. together, these processes contribute to Indigenous self-determination and healing.
what is reconciliation?
according to Justice Murray Sinclair with the TRC, reconciliation is about taking action to restore balance in the relationship between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. reconciliation requires authentic efforts on behalf of non-Indigenous people, systems, and institutions to challenge both internalized & external forms of colonialism & oppression, fostering meaningful & culturally responsive relationships with Indigenous people.
what is cultural humility?
maskihkiy defines cultural humility as approaching each individual/family/group/community in a humble, open way with a stance of "not knowing" in relation to culture and worldview. the Euro Western construct of competence implies that one has fully mastered knowledge. this is not entirely possible within Indigenous worldviews, as there is always more to learn & knowing is fluid & relational. humility is a central cultural teaching for many Indigenous peoples.